I have leukaemia

I have lukemia

He murmured

My pulse ended

Heart Broken into such huge numbers of irreplaceable pieces

I couldn’t relax

I search his eyes and all I saw was torment and tears

Tears began to eject from my eyes, couldn’t control them

That minute was inestimable

I put my hands on his cheek and it felt as if he was burning from within

Stroked his cheek lastly and said

‘I’ll be strong for you, for we can’t both be broken’

We proceeded with our lives simply like that

Meeting in the nearest cafe to write our goals and everything

We talked about our lives and where we’ll see ourselves in the next five years.

Friday morning

I got a call

From his sibling

I began to cry before I picked the telephone

I was terrified

Terrified my closest companion has gone

Gone forever

I at that point shut my eyes and picked the call

‘He’s gone’

I wanted to be dreaming right then and there

I didn’t know how to feel

I lie on the concrete floor


and cried

Embracing an image of us at a park

All the sweet recollections began to surge back in my mind

Influencing me to lose more tears

I wished I could tail him

We longed for seeing each other’s prosperity

However, presently you left

My world became dark

Longing for your voice



And everything

I will be strong for you still

Despite the fact that we can’t talk any longer

Your voice is still there

In my brain until the end of time

I value the minutes we’ve had together

They’re secured in me

For as long as I have our recollections

You’ll always be close by

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